Association des Amis de Bernard Garo (AABG) - 2014
The Association of Friends of Bernard Garo was created in March 2013, following the sudden deaths of two of his artist friends. Officially constituted on 3 March 2014 in Nyon, its aim is not only to protect the artist's artistic heritage beyond his death, but also to participate in the enhancement of his monumental and original work by supporting its promotion and dissemination at Swiss and international level.
If you would like to become a member of the association to support or participate in the development of the artist's work and an important cultural event for the region, and benefit from certain advantages in return, download and complete the membership form and return it by e-mail or post to the address below.
Garo ART
ICI Nomade Workshop
route de l'Etraz, 20A
1260 Nyon
Laurent SCHLAEFLI, Chairman
Marie-Jo VALENTE, Vice-Chairwoman
Jean-Philippe JUTZI, Member
Christophe PILLOUD, Member
Josiane DEILLON-RAPIN, Honorary Member
Edouard MARTIN, Honorary Member
Yvan SPRÜNGLIN, Honorary Member
Le bureau de l’AABG, lors de l’expo muséale de l’artiste à l’Espace Arlaud Lausanne, 2017
(en bas à droite Laurent Schlaefli Président, en haut à droite Marie-Jo Valente, Vice-présidente)
The interdisciplinary collective La Dernière Tangente and its association - 1999
E-mail Claude Grin for all administrative requests: and for creative requests: the artistic director
Les directeurs artistiques du Collectif au Musée Arlaud en 2017
La Dernière Tangente au Festival de la Cité Lausanne, avec le dessinateur Pierre-Alain Bertola
François Chattot, comédien - Eric Fischer, musicien et Bernard Garo, plasticien (les 3 membres fondateurs du collectif en 1999) en performance au Muséum de Genève, mars 2023
The artist collective Black Shroud and its affiliated association Black Shroud arts - 2023
President: Regula zellweger : or as co-artistic director
The artists: with a photo